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Image by Rosie Fraser


Social and environmental


V-Label Vegan

V-Label Vegan

The V-Label is an internationally recognised, registered symbol for labelling vegan and vegetarian products and services. For consumers, it is a simple and reliable guide to help them when they are shopping. With the V-Label, companies promote transparency and clarity.



Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is the world's largest factory-based certification programme for manufacturers of clothing, footwear and other sewn products.

ZDHC – Zero discharge of hazardous chemicals

ZDHC – Zero discharge of hazardous chemicals

The ZDHC Foundation is a global centre of excellence in responsi­ble chemical management which works towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals in the textile, leather, and footwear value chain to improve the environment and people’s wellbeing.

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Certification and Testing Programs.

ZQ Merino

ZQ Merino

​ ZQ is a wool certification standard that stands for a better quality of life. For the animals, for our planet, our people, and you. ​

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