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A soft focus
177+ pages of
responsible content
RawAssembly, Australia’s leading responsible and sustainable textile sourcing magazine, digital platform & events.
Issue º03 - A Soft Focus
The journey of this edition has opened our eyes to not only the challenges and potential solutions to creating sustainable products, but to explore a variety of homeware and fashion related textile applications that challenge the concept of what we value and how we can evolve our value proposition. We have discovered a wide variety of material innovations that focus on reducing and reusing waste, and support the use of unrefined mono-materials that increase their value, by decreasing their complexity.
This edition sees us explore the value of story as a way to increase the life and value of product and design. This goes far beyond the simple notion of buying vintage, but using vintage memories and materials to create modern products that define an evolving sense of value.
Our focus is value, and how we can find, harness and evolve the value that exists in things we take for granted, things we believe are waste or things that seem to live only in our memories.

Responsible sourcing insights

[Res-p] + [Fash-n]
Bringing balance back to fashion